Why is it called mountain biking?
I ask the question because even though the sport is called mountain biking I am guessing that most people who ride rarely have the opportunity to go to an actual mountain to ride. A mountain is classified as being a vertical incline of at least 2000 ft anything less than that is a hill (that’s what it said in yahoo answers)
A more appropriate name for mountain biking would be off road cycling or even hill biking would be a more accurate name. But neither of those have the same ring to'em though.
Barley anyone rides on mountains but that is where most the NORBA national mountain bike races are held. Ski Mountains have out door recreation facilities to accumulate a crowd and land to ride on, so that where they have ‘em. I think it would be nice if more races were held on flatter courses (I am a bit bias because personally I am better on flatter courses). The only way I see this happening though is if the NORBA national organizers decide to use huge tents like the circus dose. That way they could have venues in any place with a big enough open field.
send a letter USA cycling saying you want big circus tents, they will know what you mean.
Mailing Address:
USA Cycling
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
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