Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hppbrook dam 2009

Carpooled down to hopbrook dam race with Andrew freye

it was cold and rainy.

@ the Line up for the race I noticed there was a different category system. Instead of beginner-pro their is category 3-1.

Mmmmmmmmmm… Interesting.

I think there was about 25 starters... I think I was last or maybe second to last going into the single track at the start.

I passed about ten guys before I finished but I was still very far back from the podium contenders.

came in 15th

I slipped out around a corner and my handle bars got twisted around… this happened…

I think only 2 strands of cable are still connecting my shifter to derailleur.

Andrew frey (the guy I carpooled down with) won

Here is his interview, I am the naked guy in the background between 19-52 seconds in showing off his huge pecks.

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