Monday, December 26, 2011

MOCO epic 3 and 4 cancled, Strava

weekly MOCO epic training ride didn't happen yesterday and will also be canceled for next weekend... with x-mas and new years there are too many schedule conflicts... im going to use these two weeks get some longer rides in to hopfuly get my fitness to a place where i dont feel like i need to go race pace to keep up with Dylan and Jeff... next MOCO epic ride will be on Jan 7th.

i recived a GPS for Christmas... one of those Garmin ones that you can use with your bike and i set up a Strava account... they are one of the sponsors of are team... Strava lets you download your ride, calculates your power output, shows a map of where you road, lets you compare and compete with others on climbs, gives an easy to read line graph of heart rate, elevation , power, distace and speed.... all in one cart... its also a social networking type of site you can follow other riders and comment on their rides... i am liking it so far... it has made me more motivated to ride.

the Strava site...

Monday, December 19, 2011

MOCO epic training ride # 2

this time Jeff, Dylan and i did the loop backwards... we didn't do the official MOCO loop we made some modifications and did a little bit of exploring... it ended up being a 4.5 hour / 50 mile ride like last weekend it felt like plenty...the temp was about the same (about 40) but it was less muddy than last week.

here are some pics...

 crossing a stream


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

first MOCO epic training ride

last Sunday (the Dec. 10th 2011) was the first MOCO epic training ride... it was raining most of last week... but the Friday and Saturday before the the ride was dry so i though conditions wouldn't be horribly muddy... it wasn't bad at first but later in the ride it started getting pretty muddy... we ended up cutting off the last 15 miles because of the trail conditions... it ended up being a 4.5 hour ride 47 mile ride... witch felt like plenty at the time... next week we plan to do the loop backwards... my weather channel app tells me it will most likely be clear for the rest of the week... so hopefully trail conditions will be better.

Dylan Johnson dialing in his new Scott carbon 29er before the ride

Jeff Dickey being cold before we got started moving (35 degrees at the start but warmed up to low 40's later)