Monday, December 26, 2011

MOCO epic 3 and 4 cancled, Strava

weekly MOCO epic training ride didn't happen yesterday and will also be canceled for next weekend... with x-mas and new years there are too many schedule conflicts... im going to use these two weeks get some longer rides in to hopfuly get my fitness to a place where i dont feel like i need to go race pace to keep up with Dylan and Jeff... next MOCO epic ride will be on Jan 7th.

i recived a GPS for Christmas... one of those Garmin ones that you can use with your bike and i set up a Strava account... they are one of the sponsors of are team... Strava lets you download your ride, calculates your power output, shows a map of where you road, lets you compare and compete with others on climbs, gives an easy to read line graph of heart rate, elevation , power, distace and speed.... all in one cart... its also a social networking type of site you can follow other riders and comment on their rides... i am liking it so far... it has made me more motivated to ride.

the Strava site...

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