Monday, January 9, 2012

watershed training ride

MO CO epic training loop was canceled yesterday due to wet trails, in its replacement we did a long ride at Gambrill state park and the watershed (water drains much better at the watershed, trail conditions were great)... it was a 3.5 hour ride and we went 30 miles... Jeff Dickey and Dylan Johnson were there... this is where i normally ride (7 miles from where i live) but on most occasions i only ride the dirt roads of the park because much of the trail riding is very technical and falls and broken parts are common... also maintaining a certain HR intensity can be difficult... despite being my home turf Dylan showed me a a gem of a trail i didn't know about... it was one i had been down before but was unaware that it had a lot of trail work done to it and was 10 times better than when i last rode it... it was a northshoreish downhill with large rock features... no team ride next week Dyan and Jeff have other training/ vacation plans... i will probably end up doing a epic solo ride team training ride is scheduled for Jan 22.

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