Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 29 Norcross Scurry, Ashford, CT

Almost missed this race… I assumed it was on Sunday because most races are … I figured it out @ one AM the day of the race while reading Thom parson’s blog that the race was on Saturday (thanks for mentioning it Thom).

This was a new race in the series…I liked it was windy and pretty fast with some rock gardens thrown in… well… it would have been fast if the trail wasn’t covered in a thick blanket of mud from the tropical storm that had been going on all day.

Turn out was the lowest I had seen all year…the rain I'm assuming was a large contributor to that…only 9 in the pro/cat1 open category… think all categories were low.

I was in 5th for the first lap then moved into 4th after John Foley flatted… I finished in 4th…

I think Mike Mooradian won again... Honorable mention to John Foley for getting two flats and not finishing far behind me in 6th… John is good at riding in mud… it seems like every muddy race we do he finished like 10 min in front of me…

I took a dip in this pond after the race…the water was surprisingly warm…it felt good

after the race.


I had made plans the day before with Andrew Freye to put up some of my art work in the Starbucks he works at but when I made the plans I didn’t know that I was going to be racing that day…so after the race I rushed home…took a quick shower …unloaded all the bike stuff packed all the art stuff…drove to Starbucks an hour north and had just enough time to get my artwork up before they closed at 8 pm.

I think it turned out good (thanks Andrew)

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