Monday, August 24, 2009

Bike for Bovines moutain bike/day hike race

Stonewall Farm,
Keene, NH

I had heard bad things about this course so I wasn’t expecting much… but I think it was a pretty nice course… it kinda reminded me of races I’ve done out west in Colorado…long gradual climbs and decents but there was more roots and mud than the CO courses I had done.

We did 2 laps on a 13 mile course …I flatted on the first lap most of the way through… I had been doing ok up to that point I was in the top 5 (I think) … I fell to last after the flat…I fixed it and still had motivation to ride fast … I felt I might be able to pick off one or two other pros before finishing….then I flatted a second time half way through the second lap…I had used up my tube and co2’s so on the first flat so I was unable to fix it…there must have been something wrong with my rim strip because I had had a flat a few days before on the same wheel…
example of a messed up rim strip

I felt it was bad luck to get a flat in the dead center of the longest course I have done in years… if I had known a way to cut the course, dnf and get back to the start/finish faster I would have done that but I didn’t so I walked the course… I tried running a few times but its pretty annoying hitting the back of your leg on the pedal… the last few miles were on really flat old rail road trails that I felt comfortable slowly riding on with out messing up my rim.

I came in about 50 min after everyone else… as soon as I came through the finish officials announced that results were now posted for the men pro category… it was nice of them to wait for me...

i think 12 pros started , 3 DNFed, I came in 9th and Mike Mooradian won

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